TIDBITS - as of 3/02/2025

Thursday, Mar. 6

One Combined Tournament
Time:  4:00 p.m.
Buy-in:  $15

Sunday, Mar. 9

Inter-Community Survivor Tournament
Time:  Noon
Buy-in:  $40
Grand players are asked to arrive at 11:30 a.m.

Saturday, March 15


Time:  9:00 a.m
Buy-in:  $25 per person
Sign up on the bulletin board.

Saturday, March 29

Time:  9:00 a.m.
Buy-in:  $25
Sign up on the bulletin board.

TIDBITS - as of 1/28/2025

To:  Tournament Directors
and Players who cash at the end of the game


Helpers at the registration desk



TD’s or their replacement must fill out the Results Form to completion.  That includes date, time, players’ names, CAM number, time at the end of games, etc.  It must be neatly printed and legible.  Do not omit any of the requirements noted on the form.  Then place the form in the red binder in cabinet #3.


Helpers at the registration table are responsible for insisting the players PRINT their name when signing in and making sure it is legible.  They are also responsible to PRINT the Guest’s name in the Guest Book.  Do not let the guest do it because most of the time they do not print and it is not legible. – Include the date.



ALL players who cash at the end of a game are expected to help close up before leaving the room.  That includes making sure that:

  • Monitors are turned off and computers put back in cabinet #2
  • All chips are re-stacked in the proper cases
  • Chips, cards, etc. are returned to cabinet #1
  • All cabinets are locked and keys put back in the key box.

You might not be a Tournament Director BUT you can contribute to the club by your help in these matters.

Thank you.


TIDBITS - as of 12/15/2023

Drear Members,

We are back to splashing pots again …..please don’t splash

Tournament Directors:  We thank you for volunteering for this thankless job.

  • Assign Table Captains

  • If you get knocked out early you must appoint another player to do the closing, which includes putting computer, cards, chips, etc. back in the cabinets, locking all the cabinets, returning all keys to the key box, writing up the results and placing the sheet in the red binder in cabinet #3, etc.

  • If you cannot get someone to take over for you, then it is your responsibility to stay until the end and close up as noted above. (This is where the “thankless job” kicks in.)

Table Captains:  Please control your table.

  • Speak up  if players are splashing pots, commenting on whether another player should call a bet, commenting on the way others play, bet, etc.

  • If you get knocked out, either you or the Tournament Director must appoint another Table Captain to replace you.

  • If you are not sure how to handle a situation, call for the Tournament Director.  Whatever is decided, right or wrong, the ruling stands.     

That’s All Folks

TIDBITS - as of 4/19/2022

We continue to have problems at the tables and ask that Table Captains please help us enforce our club rules.

  • ABSOLUTELY NO EATING at the tables.  That includes candy, no matter how small (like jelly beans).  Table covers are getting sticky again with people puting candy in their mouth and then wiping their hands on the felt.

  • CELL PHONES:  Put them on silence or vibration.  Don’t pass them around to show pictures, game scores, etc.  Leave the table if you have to use the phone.  We strongly encourage you to leave the room, especially for prolonged conversations.

TIDBITS - as of 2/17/2022

Poker Website:   Log in to our website (www.scgpoker.org) for the Agenda and Minutes of Board Meetings, Tournament Results,   Roster with phone numbers and email addresses, Tips on improving your Hold’em game, and so much more.  To access the “Members Only” tab, the password is:  allin (one word).

To access the “Roster”, the password is:  grand (all lower case letters).

TIDBITS - as of 12/20/2021


Members are complaining about having to sit next to a smoker.  Some are allergic to the smell; others are nauseated.  If you need to smoke, do so in designated areas and away from the building. Think of those that are being affected.   Perhaps using a mouth spray after smoking might help to lessen the smell.

Seat Cushions:

There are a number of seat cushions in the closet for your use.  Please do not take one that has someone else’s name or picture on it.


If a member is seriously ill or hospitalized, please let Pat Rumsey know and she will send a Get Well Card from the club.

Pat ‘s email:  parjar@centurylink.net

Pat’s Tel.:   623-214-0809